Thursday, September 16, 2010

Faces of Loss Monthly Topic: September, Changes

I have been mingling with the BLMs from Faces of Loss, Faces of Hope for a few months.  I love the support system we are all helping to build.  It is my hope and dream that no woman who loses a child will ever feel alone.  I believe it is the duty of those of us who have been on this road for any length of time to reach out and say, "you are not alone, and you are not crazy for any of your feelings."

So, in an effort to be a light in the darkness for just one BLM, I write here.  I pour out my soul to help myself heal, but also to offer hope to those who are just starting out on this painful path that no one would ever choose on their own...  Okay, so this is exciting, the gals at Faces have come up with a new way for the BLM community to interact.  Each month they will post a blogging topic and we can all link up and read each others and become more connected.  You can get the specifics here, and link up your blog also.

September’s topic: 
How has the changing of seasons (from summer to fall) impacted you in your grief journey?
  Summer, a time of fun, sun, family gatherings...  A time of happiness, vacations and sun!  Summer, a hot, sticky, humid Florida summer.  What could be better.  We don't really have much of a fall here in Florida.  We mostly have two seasons, hot and cold.  And the hot far outlasts the cold.  I guess because there isn't much noticeable change outside I don't think too much about the fall, or changing seasons.  

  I have to say that I never thought of the changing seasons impacting me at all in my journey.  But, after reading the question and pondering for a while I have decided that I will welcome the change as a new phase in my grief.  Both of my boys died in the summer.  Rowan went to Heaven on August 17, 2009.  Levi Matthew was born on June 28th and died on June 29, 2010.  

Both boys were conceived in the spring, and both due in the winter months.  Maybe fall can be considered a reprieve for me, emotionally.  Not to much is tied to the fall, no dates to obsess over and get anxious about.   I think I'll be more heavily burdened by the change from fall to full-blown winter.  My Levi was due on November 25th and Rowan was due on February 25th.  The cold, harsh, winter may prove more difficult for me.

  Tomorrow, the 17th, will mark 13 months that Rowan has been gone, and at the end of this month my Levi will have been gone for 3 months.  It feels like yesterday that I was holding his tiny hands.  I somehow feel that the changing seasons will force us to look at ourselves again, and reassess where we are and make some choices about where we would like to go.  Everything I do is for, and because of, my matter the day, no matter the season.  

1 comment:

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

Hi, I just wanted to thank you for visiting my blog.

I also wanted to say how heartbreaking your story is. It brings me to tears.
I'm sorry for your losses.

I can say that I understand as I also lost twins and was not the same. It has been so many years and yet, I don't stop thinking of them what they would have been like, and how my life would have changed had they stayed here on earth with me. But as it is they are in Heaven waiting on their momma.

Thank you for sharing your story and your journey. God Bless you.