A HUGE thank you to Nicole from It's All Random for paying it forward and awarding my blog the "One Lovely Blog" badge. I am really super-excited.
I have never been given a blog award, and I love seeing them on other people's pages. I love that Nicole thought of my blog when listing her 10 pay it forwards!
The rules according to Nicole's page are as follows:
1. accept the award. post it on your blog with the name of the person who has granted the award and his/her blog link.
2. pay it forward to 10 other bloggers that you have newly discovered.
3. contact those blog owners and let them know they have been chosen.
Here is the adorable award!!!
And here are my ten pay it forwards
(don't be offended if you aren't listed here -
there are so many and I had to choose the 10 newest)
Visit these women and get to know some amazing people.
Awww thanks Amanda!!! Sending you huge hugs!!
And your blog IS truly lovely.
PS. heehee my word verification today is "joyinsl" Joy in Sleepy Land? Joy in Sweet Love?
Hi Amanda,
I'm honoured that you will include me in this list. Thank you SO MUCH for the award. I am so blessed with having such wonderful blogs to come to daily.
Thank you once again and keep up this amazing blog. It touches my heart everytime I come by.
You made my crappy day yesterday just a lil bit better. Thank you!
Awww...thank you so much, Amanda. It means so much to me. Hugs to you always.
Thank you so much Amanda!! ((HUGS))
Thanks so much. It is an honor. I think about you often. I just read your most recent post and you are NOT weak. I also want you to know, because of my experience I too hope to be a better mom. I definitely squeeze my boys a little harder. I know how you feel when talking about other mothers. I would get so annoyed when my water broke and I almost lost my second, I would hear mom's complain how big and uncomfortable they were and I only hoped I could be that big and uncomfortable. I can relate to just a little of what you are going through... just a little. I can't imagine the heartache and I know you will be a mother of a living beautiful child. Really. Don't give up hope.
Thinking of you always,
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