I know this may seem like a shameless plug, but I'd like you all to visit my website 'Rowan's Hope.' We are really hoping to get this thing off the ground now that I am out of work. I will be putting more time and energy into the site, and the movement.
I don't know if we'll be able to organize a big 'Walk to Remember' this year for October 15th, but I fully plan and have goals set to get it done next October. This year will most likely be really small.
Well, what is Rowan's Hope?
Rowan's Hope was started to honor the short life of baby Rowan McCleskey. Our lives have been changed in unimaginable ways since his death, and we are so blessed to have been his momma and daddy. The short time that we got to have Rowan as our own is worth more than words, and so it is because of what we are learning to live through that we give you Rowan's Hope. After the death of our second son, Levi, we decided to keep our original name, but there is a tribute to Levi include in our new 'badge' and on the site. (we love these boys too too much!!)
Our dream for Rowan's Hope is to provide a place for women and families to remember their babies who have been lost to miscarriage. This is a place where you can share your heart without the worry of being judged or rushed to "just get over it." The death of a child is a heartbreaking event to go through, and we want you to know that you are not alone. You are never alone on this journey...
We also want to educate women and families, as well as our entire community, about the very real causes of miscarriage and ways to prevent the loss of a child. Miscarriage is incredibly common, and yet no one really ever talks about it. We hope to bring more awareness to something that has been happening for decades, and to let people know they don't have to keep quiet about their breaking hearts or their healing. We also strive to let women and families know they are not helpless, and there is hope.
Lastly, it is our dream that Rowan's Hope will be a source of empowerment for women and families, through pouring out our hearts, learning together and encouraging one another. We are not powerless in the face of difficulty. There are tests that can be performed, doctors that can be seen, and hope that can be shared You are never alone on this journey...
2 Corinthians 4:16-18:
"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen in eternal."
So, check us out and spread the love.

Not a shameless plug in the slightest! Promote it with all your heart! I've added your button for Rowan's Hope to my side bar. May it bring more people your way and may others who have gone through similar situations find comfort in your words.
New follower from boost your blog friday! Enjoy the long weekend!
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