friends!! Love these ladies so very much.
Many hours of laughter, dance
parties & various shenanigans... Much healing!!
Capture Your Grief. Day 22. Self-Care.
Self-care is extremely important when it comes to healing. So slow down
and be gentle with yourself today. Do something that brings you joy,
something that feeds your soul and allows you to re-charge. See where
your thoughts take you.
Capture Your Grief. Day 23. Inspiration.
came to us after the two most terrible losses that people can imagine.
Two babies gone on to Heaven within a year. And then, miracle of
miracles... Noah was gifted to us by The Lord. His life inspires me to
live mine to the fullest. To never be small. To always embrace &
love everything about living. To honor Rowan & Levi by living well.
Capture Your Grief. Day 24. Forgiveness.
myself after each baby died was a struggle. It was hard to breathe, let
alone reason with myself... Coming to grips with the fact that I
couldn't have saved them...although slightly defeating, was a relief.
Self-forgiveness. Hard. Necessary. Life-giving.
Capture Your Grief. Day 25. Mother Earth.
"then man's dust will go back to the earth, returning to what it was,
and the spirit will return to the God who gave it." Ecclesiastes 12:7
Rowan & Levi - ours but for a moment...HIS for eternity. Were they not ours only to hand over to Him either in life OR death? Learning to live with believing He knows best...trusting Him with ALL circumstances. This is the true test of our faith. If we believe in Him for our eternal salvation, how can we hold back & say, no - but I cannot trust you in this?! We WILL see these children in Glory. Some days it is that single thought that carries me through from breath to breath.
God is ALWAYS good...and I am always loved.
Capture Your Grief. Day 26. Healing Ritual.
My latest adventure, Trim Healthy Mama.
On the path to physical & emotional healing. My body has been ravaged by pregnancy, pregnancy loss, hormone treatments, fertility drugs, child birth, etc...
On August 25th I took the plunge into a new life style & it's been one amazing day after another.
True healing begins at our core! I feel like the best way to honor my sons is to live this life well.
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